Developers, 2x your income without competing against 1000s of resume by building your social presence.

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Hi-I'm Swastik Yadav. I help developers monetize their web development skills.

I come from a non-tech background and learned to code from a 6-month boot camp program.

In Jan 2020 I got my first web-developer job from boot camp referral. But after that, I struggled to land and switch jobs.

Applying to hundreds of job listings mindlessly. Sending hundreds of
resumes, all into the void. No LinkedIn profile views and no response
to any outreach messages.

So, I started to dig deeper into why some people even with lesser skill sets can get way more eyeballs on their profiles, land more interviews, and stand out between thousands of resumes.

Once I implemented my findings, I was getting more interviews than I could handle.

Here is my LinkedIn & blogging stats just after 3-4 days of implementation.analyticsanalytics

I switched 3 to 4 different companies in 2 years and doubled my annual package.

This platform is my attempt to help you understand where you lack in your job search process. So that, you fix it today and get your dream job tomorrow.